Did you watch the ultimate E.T sexual adventure “This Ain’t Avatar XXX” with Misty Stone? This film is an Avatar Parody. In this film the porn actors are using Avatar Fleshlight which is a modified version of alien fleshlight. Avatar Fleshlight was used directly in Avatar XXX Parody ans a sex toy on a stage and behind. So if you want to feel like in the movie inside, you can buy Avatar Fleshlight together with “This Ain’t Avatar XXX” movie, where leading role is starring Misty Stone – latest Fleshlight Girls addition. If you are Science-Fiction freak and you like porn – this set is dedicated especially for you.

Do you wonder how Avatar Fleshlight looks inside? It’s construction is really intergalactic. It has got Alien-Blue color double cliteris. Every Avatar lover should feel excitement right now:) Avatar Fleshlight is combination of three well known fleshlight sleeves. First you’re going inside through Vortex – once you slip inside into wormhole of slick twists. Based an the teasing ridges of the Vortex, Avatar Fleshlight gives you unforgettable feeling. Going deeper you’ll find the Lotus inverted Node. You will experience the feeling of brushing your soldier. The last step of Avatar Fleshlight is the final encounter, taking you to the land of STU (Stamina Training Unit) bumps. Touching your most sensitive spot, giving you the ultimate pleasure of the fourth kind. Don’t wait and order new Avatar Fleshlight.